North Highland College offers the Seal Management PDA which has the primary aim to provide knowledge and skills which will prepare candidates to apply for a licence to undertake seal management under the provisions of the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010. Candidates will undertake a combination of a self study online course and a practical shooting test. North Highland College is currently offering a 66% course fee reduction from £508 to £172. To take advantage of this candidates must be enrolled by 26 June 2019 at the latest.
The theory part of the qualification will usually be completed online. Candidates will undertake self study then complete the required assessment which will be submitted and marked by the college. Alternatively a hard copy of the self study information can be provided on request. There will be no face to face teaching but we will be running practical shooting tests at the Rural Studies Centre or an off campus location by arrangement/demand.
The course schedule and key dates:
Enrolment Deadline – 26 June 2019
Theory Assessment Deadline – 2 August 2019
Practical Shooting Test Dates – 22 or 23 August 2019 (tbc)
Course End – 1 September 2019
Applicants should complete the North Highland College short course enrolment form which can be found in our Publications and return it to info@northhighland.ac.uk. Assistance with the enrolment form can be obtained by contacting Kathleen Mackenzie at the Admissions Office 01847 889247.
Applicants should also inform the admissions team if they have a Deer Stalking Certificate level 1 qualification at the enrolment stage. The reason for this is that accreditation of prior learning can be issued which would exempt applicants from having to undertake the practical shooting test.
The course fee for one candidate is £172 which must be received following enrolment and prior to the course start date.
Payment can be made by:-
Telephone using a Credit/debit card by contacting the Finance Office on 01847 889228
Bank Transfer to Sort Code: 83-27-23 Account Number 00667383 with the reference PDA Seal and student’s name. I
Credit/debit card link where you input your own card details onto a secure site. Please email nhcfinance@uhi.ac.uk stating your name and which course you are booking and a link will be sent to your email.
Cheque payable to The North Highland College please write PDA Seal Management on the back of the cheque and students name. Then post to the address below
Finance Department
The North Highland College
Ormlie Road
KW14 7EE
If you have any support needs or require any further information please contact Kathleen Mackenzie to discuss this on Kathleen.Mackenzie@uhi.ac.uk or 01847 889247.